Learn now about screening, sizing, and synonyms for screening machines! The glossary you need is provided here by KELLER Siebtechnik:
This is the rate of change to speed, in most cases of the vibrations. This exerts a force on the moving mass, i.e. the screen and particles.
Adherent particle
This is a fine particle adhering to coarse material or the screening fabric.
Air jet analysis screen
This is a test screen for very fine material.
Adherent segregation
This clogs the screening surface, in most cases under the action of moisture, more rarely under adhesive forces or electrostatic buildup.
Angle of inclination β, screen angle
This is the angle the screen forms with the horizontal.
A large number of clumped particles.
The distance a screen moves through from its highest to its centre point. The amplitude equals half of the distance between the movement’s highest and lowest point. See also Throw. The amplitude of a linear vibration is half of the total distance, that of an ellipsoidal vibration half of the ellipsis’s major axis.
Analysis screens
These exhibit defined mesh apertures serving to determine the distribution of particle sizes.
Aperture width
This is a measure of the aperture in a screen panel.
Backing fabric
Wide meshed screening fabric that protects the fine meshed layers.
Ball deck
This is the deck under the screening area that holds the cleaning balls (e.g. of rubber).
Bed depth
This is the vertical depth of the product on the screening deck and is usually 3–4 times the mesh aperture.
Bound moisture
This is the liquid bound hygroscopically in an input product sample, usually specified as a mass fraction of the sample in percent.
Bulk density
This is the weight per unit volume of loose material, applied normally to loose or powdery material with air inclusions and specified in kg/m³.
This is the solid fraction of a suspension specified in percentage by weight or volume.
Control screen
This is the screen defining the largest particle size.
The input material runs down the screen inclination, and not in the direction of the upward conveying vibrations. This loosens up thoroughly the input material.
Conveyor speed
This is the speed at which the material is conveyed under vibration and/or the angle of inclination.
Circulation process
The input material keeps circulating e.g. in the comminution–screening circuit until it reaches the required fineness.
Critical speed (see also Resonance)
This is when the drive speed equals the natural frequency of a spring-mass system, in most cases an undesirable state.
Cumulative distribution
This is a method of depicting particle size distributions.
A series of bends worked into a wire by preforming or weaving.
This is material that adheres to and blocks the apertures in a screening fabric.
A general term for unwanted fine and coarse material
Deck or screening deck: That part of the screening machine bearing the screen linings.
Dwell time
This is the time a particle remains on the screen surface.
The separation of clumped particles.
Removal of very fine particles from the input material.
This is the product quantity yielded by a treatment process, specifically the end product of a process cycle (e.g. screening yield or finished product).
Double crimp weave
Screening fabric with crimped warp and shute wires.
Dry screening
This is used to separate material that exhibits no surface moisture, hence no adhesive forces induced by surface tension.
This is the ratio of undersized to oversized product weight (mass) expressed as a percentage.
Effective screening area
This is that part of the screening deck available for separating the input material.
Electromagnetic screening machine
This is a screening machine moved by electromagnets.
Elliptical vibratory screen
This is a screening machine that executes elliptical screening movements.
This is a resonating vibrator.
The eccentric and a linkage translates rotary movement into a linear stroke.
Eccentric shaft
This is an element of an unbalanced motor mounted on two eccentric bearings, hubs, or bushes.
The maximum distance of a circular vibration from the centre (equalling the circle’s radius).
Feed capacity
This is the quantity a screening machine can process. It is the product of screen area in m² and the specific screening capacity in t/m²h.
These are particles smaller than a defined size. These are sometimes equated with the screenings (not recommended).
Overloading in a screening machine.
Foreign body screen
This screening machine prevents coarse particles from entering the downstream screener, thus eliminating potential disruption to operations.
The number of highest and lowest points that a screening machine passes in one second, measured in hertz (Hz).
This is the acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 m/s². The vibrational acceleration is often specified as a multiple of g, e.g. 1.5–6.6 g.
Gravity screening machine
This screening machine vibrates vertically at a speed of over 600 rpm and through a distance less than 2.5 cm.
Heavy goods
These are the heaviest goods during jigging.
Inertial force
This is the accelerating force generated by the screening machine, usually three to seven times the acceleration due to gravity (3–7 g).
Interstitial water
This is liquid, in most cases water, that is retained in the interstices between particles.
Inclined screening machine
Vibrating screen inclined at an angle of usually 10–45°.
Long stroke screen
This screen vibrates over a distance defined by the forces exerted by an unbalanced mass.
Mesh aperture
This is the size of the oblong or square openings in the screen lining through which the product passes.
Mesh count
This is the number of apertures per unit length in a wire screen fabric.
Mat thickness
This is the depth (thickness) of the input material running over the screening surface.
Multiple desk screen
This is a series of screening decks that are arranged in parallel under each other and that are intended to output multiple fractions in the one screening machine.
This is the number of screen apertures per inch. This is the US measure for mesh aperture. It is inexact because it does not include the wire gauge.
Mean particle size
The weighted, averaged particle size in a sample, quantity, or batch of input material.
Near-mesh particle
This is the input particle size corresponding to about 90–110% of the mesh aperture. These particles can be screened with difficulty only. It is also a measure of the screening capacity.
Oblong mesh aperture
Elongated aperture in the screening fabric or perforated plate. This is usually the ratio 1:3 or 1:10.
Oblong mesh, broad mesh
This is a wire screen panel featuring apertures that are longer than wide or vice versa.
Outsize fraction
Oversize, undersize, or both in the product. This is specified as a percentage of the product quantity.
Open area
For wire screen panels: This is the ratio of the total mesh aperture area to the whole screen area expressed as a percentage. For perforated plates: This is the ratio of the total area of all holes to the total area of the perforated section of a plate expressed as a percentage.
Open screen area
This is the ratio of screen aperture area to screen panel area.
This is the screened percentage of the input product, used to determine the screening efficiency.
This is that part of the input material that did not or cannot pass through the apertures in the screen panel.
This is reject material following treatment.
This is a single constituent of matter of any size.
Particle size
This is the rated width of the smallest aperture in a screen panel through which a single particle can pass.
Particle size distribution
This is returned by a laboratory analysis on a product that has been passed through a large number of different mesh sizes and whose various weight fractions have been plotted as accumulative percentages on a graph.
This separates out a small part of the input material, generally undesirable oversizes.
Plain weave
In this weave, every warp wire passes alternately over and under every shute wire and vice versa.
Perforated plate
This is a plate perforated with holes of various shapes. The apertures can be oblong, slotted, round, or of another symmetrical shape.
Positive drive
This uses shaft eccentricity to define the throw.
This is the ratio of the number of OK particles in the product fraction to its total quantity. It is often used to specify the product quality.
Protective screening
This removes a small quantity of oversize (coarse contaminants) from the input material. A typical oversize fraction is less than 5%; at least 50% is smaller than half of the mesh width.
Rated particle size
This is the particle size describing the discharged material.
The exciting frequency that sets the spring-mass system vibrating at its natural frequency.
This is the separation of particulate material into defined particle sizes.
Slide friction angle p
This is the angle at which a level surface must be inclined before the input material starts slipping under static conditions.
This is the separation of the coarse oversize fraction from the input material. These are 50% larger in diameter or width than the largest particle in the screened material. Their quantity is normally 10–20% of the input material.
Size fraction
This is the range between two defined particle size limits in the input material.
Sample division
This is the representational division of the initial quantity until the quantity for analysis has been reached.
This is the proportion of material that has passed through the screening medium, including contaminants and foreign particles.
Screened liquid
This is the liquid that has passed through the screen.
This is the woven edge of the screening fabric.
Solid matter fraction
This is the content of solid matter in a suspension. This is specified in most cases as a percentage by weight or volume.
Sonic type screen
This is a screening machine that excites directly the screen lining at 50 or 60 Hz (in the audible range).
Surface moisture
This is the liquid adhering to the exposed surface of the particles in a sample. This is usually specified as the mass fraction of the sample in percent.
This forms in a material bed when the effect of vibrations causes the finer material to migrate downwards and the coarser material upwards in the product bed.
In this process, the shaking or vibrations cause the coarser particles to move to the surface of the product bed while the smaller particles slip through the gaps to the base of the bed.
Shute wire
These wires traverse at 90° to the screen’s longitudinal axis.
Screen analysis, particle size analysis
This returns the fractions of particle sizes in the total quantity.
This is the quantity of input material that passes through the screen panel.
Screening fabric
This is the material that is fitted to the screening deck, synonymous with screening medium.
Screening capacity
The capacity of a screen for a particular task. Specifications without reference to the input material or separation accuracy are worthless.
Screening machine
This sizes a particulate mixture for industrial purposes. “screen” is also short for “screening surface” and “screen deck”.
Screen series
Standardised screen cascade.
Screen overs
These are that part of the input material that leaves the screen panel without first passing through the screen apertures.
Screen efficiency, screen quality
This is the ratio of screened fine material to the total fine material in the input quantity: n = mff/mf0.
Screen curvature
This is the increase to a convex screen panel.
Slotted screen
This screen panel consists of equally spaced wires of wedge shaped or trapezoidal cross section. The fine material then passes through apertures of increasing cross section.
Suspension, slurry
This is a mixture of liquid and solid matter.
Suspension density
This is the weight per unit volume of the suspension flow, a combination of its solid and liquid density, calculated as a function of the ratio of the solid to liquid weight fraction in the suspension.
Separation size
The particle size above and below which the over- and undersizes are equal. This is the target of separation.
This is a heavy screening machine with fixed or moving gratings and round or specially designed discs or rollers. It is normally used for separating out relatively large chunks, e.g. larger than 100 mm.
Transverse tension
This is the tension in a screening fabric transverse to the direction of the conveyed material.
Test screen
This is a circular screen frame fitted with a taut screening fabric of standardised size.
Twill weave
In this weave type, every warp wire passes alternately over and under more than one shute wire and vice versa.
The distance between the two furthest positions of a screening cycle. The throw equals twice the amplitude.
Tumbler screen
This screen executes circular with superimposed tumbling movements.
The flow of input material that runs over the screen surface.
Ultrasonic screen
This is excited at frequencies greater than 18 kHz.
This is a particle that is smaller than the mesh aperture over at least one axis.
Unbalanced motor
This rotates to induce movements in a vibrating screen.
Vibrating screen
This is also called shaker screen or gyratory screen. It is a sizing machine.
Wet screening
This screening type uses a liquid that is generally supplied from shower heads.
Warp wire
The warp wires run along the length of the screening fabric.
All wires in the screen panel running parallel to the weave.
This describes the way the warp and shute wires cross each other.
Wire gauge
This is the diameter of a (screen) wire in the screen panel, measured prior to weaving.
Wire fabric, wire grating
This is a screen panel consisting of two layers of parallel wires woven or pressure welded together. The wires form equally sized square or oblong apertures that can be crimped prior to weaving.